Long Time, No Post! June Wrap Up

Wow! It’s been so long since I’ve written a blog post! I was super busy finishing up my last semester at school, and my summer so far has also been super busy! But, I wanted to bring you all my June wrap up! So I managed to read three (kind of) books in June and…

2017 Reading Goals and Back at School!

Hello everybody! Since my last post winter break finished up and I came back to Boston for second semester of sophomore year at Emerson! It’s crazy that this school year is going by so quickly, and I’m not going to lie I’m genuinely terrified that I’m almost halfway done with college. So let’s move on…

Alexandra Bracken Event in NYC

Hello everyone! I’m here to write about my super awesome experience going to Alexandra Bracken’s event/signing for Wayfarer at Books of Wonder in NYC! I was so happy I was able to get into the city to see her. I would have really regretted it if I decided not to go! Alex is one of…

What a Terrible Time for a Reading Slump

Hello everybody! My third semester of college has come to an end, which means I’m almost halfway done with college, which is actually super terrifying so lets move on shall we? I got home two days ago and I’m very excited to be back!! I read the Fantastic Beasts screenplay on the train home and…

Fantastic Beasts And Home for the Holiday

Hello!! I’m not dead, contrary to popular belief! I haven’t posted in a very long while because of school starting etc. etc. and I didn’t have a whole lot of time to myself. (I also haven’t read a book for fun off my tbr for about three months now if that’s any indicator of how…

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child: A Midnight Release Tale

Hi everyone! Last night I attended a midnight release party for Harry Potter and the Cursed Child put together by a local bookstore at a library a few towns over from me. When we walked in there were employees and volunteers dressed up in costumes that ranged from a black witches hat, to full on…

Unpopular Bookish Opinions: Tag

Today I’m going to stir the pot and do the Unpopular Bookish Opinions Tag! This tag was created by thebookarcher on youtube! I love seeing this tag around booktube and book blogs, so I thought I’d try my hand at it! There are many books that I probably don’t like that you may love, and…

Amy and Roger’s Epic Detour by Morgan Matson: Book Talk

I just finished Amy and Roger’s Epic Detour by Morgan Matson and I really loved it! Morgan is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors to read! I had previously read SYBG a few weeks ago, and really loved that one. I think Morgan creates really great, relatable characters. Amy and Roger just felt so real and…

Types of Photos

There are so many different kinds of pictures you could take for your bookstagram! When people click on your account the first thing they see is a grid of all your photos, so having pictures that look cohesive can really catch someone’s eye. There are a lot of different ways you can take your photos! I…

Entering The World of Bokstagram

It’s coming up on my year anniversary of being on bookstagram. This has been such a wild ride. It’s crazy the growth I’ve managed in one year and I’m so thankful to all of my followers! My friend and roommate Sasha Alsberg has helped me so much through this process as well, and I am so…